Out on the road to Bombardopolis; looking back down toward Mole, and the beautiful bay.
Keith, Tyler and Laurie
Here we are: 21 years and counting.:)
I took this picture in August on our way back up to Mole after furlough; one of the reasons the 170 mile trip takes us 12-14 hours.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Here in Haiti, we miss many things about our American-style Christmases--family, friends, food, even the cold weather we were used to at Christmas time--but we're thankful the real reason to celebrate doesn't change. The gift of salvation Jesus came to bring is the same precious gift in every country, culture, and climate. Let's honor Christmas in our hearts the whole year through (yes, I've been watching A Christmas Carol).
We're celebrating a couple of things in our family today. It's our wedding anniversary (21 good years), and Mike and Kent arrive back in ND for their Christmas break and we're going to get to talk to them on Skype. They're in Basic Training, so we haven't had any communication with them to speak of since the last of October, and we're looking forward to a good "catch-up".
The next couple of weeks will be busy with all the last-minute tasks involved in closing up the house, and getting ready to travel. I haven't written a to-do list yet, but I know Rich already has a big one in his head--I have to write mine down on paper.:)
Ok, I'm going to quit writing and post some pictures; they're each worth a thousand words anyway, right?
God bless you all!
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