The baby tomatoes in the community garden are looking good--so far. Gardening has a lot more challenges here than in good old North Dakota!
A view of our house from the street. Don't those window screens look great? The guys have been working on screening our many windows between other projects--20 down, 8 to go! After that, we need 5 screen doors! This house has 11 outside doors!
Below: When Rich isn't working on mission projects, he's usually fixing something. Here he's fitting a board to fill in a hole in our truck bed, where he had to cut out a rotten spot.
Above: The view from our rooftop. Below: Keith and his friends are doing yard work. Well, some work and a lot of talking. They're using a small hand scythe to cut the grass.

Hey Puffy!!!
Get to work :)
this is not fair!!! My husband can comment and it looks like I did!!!! :)
i had to go to yahoo search but i found you. This will be a great asset for you. People need to see what you are doing. You have to have communication. just getting over back surgery and now i will be working on all the info. you sent me about shipping. by the way thank you so much. God bless and have a Merry Christmas
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