The "cabinet shop", where I've been working this week.

The cistern crew are out working, building the first four cisterns of the season this week. I'll try to get some pictures up soon, but for now here's one of Astrel and Saul installing guttering and pipe to get the rainwater to an already-built cistern. Cisterns are a great help to the people of this water-poor area.

Here's Rich installing the file drawers for the hospital office.

Here's Rich, sealing the house roof.

Jacob and Steve are building and assembling window screen units today, both for the hospital and our house.
In other news...........there's a new temporary resident at the Leach house. Erlanda Danica probably won't be with us long, as she's gained 10 ounces already in her first week here. She came last Friday, weighing 3 lb., 7 oz. We'll be keeping her tomorrow while Faith is busy with a field clinic, and I'll try to get some pictures to post.
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