Friday, November 2, 2007

Projects and Progress

Keith spent his afternoons this week, working on the screens for the hospital. His friend, Matthias, helped him put the rat wire and screening on the frames, and then install them.
The project is almost finished. There are just three small windows left to do. It's a great improvement.
The house is starting to take shape! I took these pictures this morning. The three rooms on the far side (left to right) are a bedroom, the kitchen, and storeroom. On the near side will be two more bedrooms and the bathroom. The large room in the center will be the combination living/dining area and will open onto a porch on the far end. We have funds to continue building for awhile now. We thank God for that and are trusting Him for the rest.
The view through my future kitchen window. =)
Rich spent some time washing the mud of another journey off the pickup. Steve and Faith got home last evening, still driving our pickup--they weren't able to get the license for their truck, so will have to go back to Port au Prince soon. They found lots of mud to drive through!


Mary said...

So I was just thinking, is there anything that you would like for us to bring down when we come for Christmas? I know my brother Mike and his wife couldn't get a lot of their favorite snacks or cooking ingredients when they lived in Bosnia so I was curious if there is anything you are craving or wanting like that?
I'm so excited for you and the house. =) When do you expect to finish?