End of a long day....love how green the hospital grounds are with all the rain we've been blessed with.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
This and That
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Week's Projects
A team of eight from King's Way Christian Church (MO) is here right, and they have accomplished Tons of work! They painted our house....
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 9:26 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Breakdowns and Birthdays
Happy plants in the garden shadehouse.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 4:07 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Good Stuff.........mostly
View from under the shade tree.....where I sat and read a WHOLE book! And it wasn't even MY birthday.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
People and Projects
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Yesterday, Rich and Ty installed doorframes in what will be the darkroom area of our new x-ray facility.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 11:27 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
We learned a bit more about the accident yesterday out on Teleco Hill. The driver decided to shut off his engine and coast down the long concrete slope--so that not only did he have no brakes, he was free-coasting with no brakes! No one knows What He Was Thinking, as he is one of the dead. The hospital here is still full--some not-too-ill patients were sent home to make room for accident victims yesterday. Tomorrow, Rich has to make another accident-related run. Doctors here suspect one lady has a neck fracture, so they are inventing a back board for her, and Rich will take her to Gonaives, where her relatives will meet and take her on to a hospital in Port au Prince, where she can get the scans and care she needs. Original intentions were to take her to Jean Rabel for x-rays, but Trois Riviere is high, and no one can cross to Port de Paix, so all the accident victims with broken bones are still waiting at Jean Rabel until they can be transferred. Nothing is easy in this country.
In other hospital news, the little burned girl died last night. Her family is mourning, but she was suffering so much, it's impossible not to be glad she is home with Jesus.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hard Day
There are no photos for today. You wouldn't want to see them anyway.
We got up early this morning--the crew was supposed to arrive at 6:00 a.m. to start pouring the floor in the main bay of the shop. We fed the guys, Rich got them started...........at 8 o'clock, the first ambulance call came, a possible stroke victim out at Clenette. The ambulance had a low tire, so he changed that and headed out. Just as he got back from that run, we got word that there had been a bad accident out on Teleco Hill (on the road to Mole St. Nicholas, for those of you've been here), so Rich was off again, this time with Dr. Gilles and Dr. Felix. They arrived at a scene of complete chaos--people milling about, wailing; blood in pools on the ground; victims lying every-which-way. Town folks had gotten there ahead of the ambulance, and were loading injured people on motorcycles or pickups, dragging them off any old way. The doctors began triage, and they were soon on the way to the hospital at Jean Rabel with a girl who needed immediate surgery to close a hole (about the size of a tennis ball, Rich says) in her side. After leaving her at the hospital in Jean Rabel, Rich came back over halfway, met another vehicle, and took two more people, one with a broken collar-bone; and the other with an injured/broken hip back over to Jean Rabel. He got home at around 4:00 this afternoon.
Vanise, one of our nurses, was on the pickup that rolled (no brakes, 20 to 25 people on the back). She wasn't badly hurt, but injured her back helping to lift the pickup off some other poor folks. Another nurse, Kerda, was on a motorcycle, and either saw the accident, or came on it right after it happened. She was rather badly rattled, but helped willingly all day. We were very impressed with her dedication.
Midway through the afternoon, Elimeme, senior guard at the hospital, came to me and said, You know, they've been doing wound care all day, and there's no one to clean up down there. It's a mess." Upon questioning, I found out that both of our cleaning ladies had lost family members in the accident, and had gone home to be with family......he had found someone who could help out, but needed to know if we could pay her a bit.=) Not sure how schedules will be at the hospital for the foreseeable future, but we'll "degage" (make do). The hospital is very full; we already had two burn victims--father and child...........
Whew, enough for the day...........pray for Haiti.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Shop Photos
These photos of the new shop were taken about four weeks ago. It's looking much more finished now; unfortunately our new camera went on the fritz--we were quite unhappy about that, but "se lavi". In the photo above, you can see the loft storage area above the side rooms.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Hi Folks!
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Of Babies and Buildings
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 10:27 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Construction Progress

Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 1:12 PM 1 comments