The two wings of the house are now connected! This is the east end of the house. The set-in area will be our screened porch.
The west end of the house.
Saul hard at work on the floor of the depot.
Acilio and Dalis plastering walls in Tyler's room.
Goofing off for the camera.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
House Photos
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Keith!
Keith at work.
Goofing off.
???? (He really did have a reason to be in the tank. He was helping his dad try to fix a leak.)=)
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 10:58 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday's Work
At the house, the guys poured a beam (the roof over the main living area will rest on this beam).......
Hauling buckets of cement up a ladder is hard work.
It's hard to see much here, I know. This is a corner of the depot (storeroom, for you Americans), and it's all smooth-plastered and ready for paint!
Keith and Jacob on the new roof. I'm sure this was a deep, philosophical discussion.
This is the meds depot at the hospital, where Linda and I spent most of day counting, sorting, and putting away the donated meds that came in Wednesday from Christian Aid Ministries. These donated medicines are a big help to the hospital. In a few days, we'll work on the other side of the little room, pricing and putting away the purchased medicines that Steve and Faith will bring tomorrow when they come home from Port au Prince.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Wouldn't you like to be this guy? He was the "bucket catcher" for Friday's roof pour at the house.
Hard at work.
Rich and Keith putting together the first door frame for the house.
The electrician at work. =)
Another wall going up. There's been a lot of progress since this photo; I'll try to post current photos soon. The guys are working so hard, it's hard to keep current, but it's sure great to see so much progress.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
John Benson's Hard Work
Thanks for all the hard work, John!
This is where John spent most of his time while he was here.
Some of the fruits of his labors, sitting in front of his "work station".
These are all cabinets he built for the new hospital addition.
And these are the kitchen and bath cabinets for the new house.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 10:58 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Photos from the Past Week
"Ti Wilson" went home this week. Here he is at the hospital for his last weighing before he went home to his family--Mom, Dad, and three older sisters. Steve and Rich cutting lumber for the cabinets John Benson is building.
Here's John installing doors at the hospital addition.
Painting in the future office.
Keith is our roller man, but he graduates from high school in February, and will move back to the states in March. Then what will we do?
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 3:43 PM 1 comments
Markets and Well Pictures
Keith was running interference for Mary and Laurie. This guy was trying to sell them some very ugly sunglasses.
Market area. It's also a street, so gets a bit congested.
Back home again, and working to install the pump in the new well.
Ty's helping to hold the water line so it doesn't kink as they drop the pump.
Here the pump has been dropped, and Rich is working on the wiring.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Hooray! Photos are Uploading Once More
Mike all dressed up in his "Class A's".
A last picture of little Wilson.
Saying good-bye.
A last glimpse of Kent, on his way through the airport doors in Port-au-Prince.
Mike and Mary at Domino's. Their flight left several hours after Kent's, so we went to the markets, and then ate pizza. It was good food, and the default choice, since it seemed to be the only place open on New Year's Day.
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Blogger has not been allowing me to upload photos--at all! So I thought I'd try some text to see if it'll let me publish at all.
Life is settling back to normal--whatever that is. We had a wonderful time with the kids home, and then a hectic week in Port au Prince, trying to get all the supplies, groceries, fuel, propane, paint..............that we needed to bring out with us. We got home last Sunday evening, and this week John Benson arrived to help out for a couple of weeks. I'll post pictures of his work as soon as possible. He's been installing doors at the new hospital addition, and has started building the cabinets that need to be installed in several of the rooms, and cabinets for the kitchen and bath in the new house are on his list as well. We've started painting at the hospital addition. The future office is now a nice off-white. Okay, it's yellow, but the label said off-white. =)
I shall now try to publish, and if this works..................maybe, just maybe I can do a few photos. They're starting to pile up!
God bless,
Posted by 4Him-in-Mole at 2:44 PM 0 comments