Friday, April 20, 2007


Basketball Court

Installing the new pole, hoop and backboard at the basketball court. The players are very happy!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Our house---okay, not quite yet, but this is the chosen location for our house in Bombard. The finished product may be awhile yet.
This messy job...........
is necessary because of this. The original grout keeps breaking out of our tile floor, and unless Rich patches regularly, the tile starts breaking up.
The biggest cucumber yet from my garden. This one was eight inches long.


The almost-completed widow's home where Rich helped Steve Leach with some kitchen installations on Saturday.
Tyler and Jacob---need I say more?
Rich and Steve at work.
Books on display in the pastor's library.......
and the librarians "du jour"

Rich installed the last few screens last week; all of our windows are screened now--what a blessing! The innovative scaffold system you see here looked a bit precarious to me, but it worked just fine.
Our expanded family of last week--Grace Leach, Laurie, Tyler, Jacob Leach, and Keith. They had just finished a tennis ball war; thus the hot, bedraggled look.
The guys--so peaceful aren't they?
And the girls.
And Rich, enjoying the fracas, I think.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


There are seven in our family again!--well, temporarily. Grace and Jacob Leach are spending the week with us while their parents are in Port au Prince buying meds and supplies. We're enjoying having them here, and plan to spend Easter weekend with them at their place in Bombard.

For those of you who don't get our newsletter (if you'd like to receive it, let me know), we've made our decision. We're moving to Bombard in October to join the work there. You can check out the Haiti Hospital-IMF link to learn more about the work. We have peace, knowing that God wants us there, but you can still pray for us as we make the transition.

In family news....Mike, our oldest son, is headed to Iraq. His unit leaves on April 20th for a six month deployment. Kent does not yet have his orders, but it sounds as though he could follow Mike shortly. Of course, they and we appreciate your prayers for them and for the situation over there.

Those of you interested in the basketball court in Mole will want to know that the new pole and backboard project is underway--thanks for the contributions! The welding is done, and Rich has been prepping and painting. It should be installed in a week or two, and I'll post pictures. Rich also has most of the screens on our house now; what a blessing that is! He'll be finished with that project very soon. Down here we have to put rat wire over the screening, or the rodents just chew their way right on in, so it's a bit time-consuming, but worth it.

I harvested more cucumbers, and pruned the tomatoes to encourage them to set fruit. Rich put screening on the end of our shadehouse to cut down the wind and keep the pine needles out. The plants look better already. By the way, do any of you know how to extract the oil from neem tree seed pods to make an insect repellent we can use on plants and ourselves, and maybe introduce to Haitian gardeners? There are certainly enough neem trees here! I've been doing research online, and can find all kinds of products for sale, and even information for sale, but no helpful (and free) recipes. Maybe I'll have to experiment.

Enough rambling for now. Until next time............God bless!
